Steps To Goal Directed Hyalase1) Clinical History Assessment Evaluates what type of filler, the amount placed, the technique employed. 2) Physical Facial Assessment Evaluates the depth of placement and amount of filler present. Also evaluates what is the ideal treatment forward - whether to dissolve all fillers (Clean Slate Technique) VS partial dissolution (Goal Directed). 3) Allergy Testing Hyalase treatment carries a small chance of allergy and requires a testing on the skin if you have not used hyalase prior. 4) Commencement of Hyalase Treatment Results should be ideal and visible immediately after treatment and can persist to improve over the next 48 hours. * Dr Sin Yong is a regular user of Goal Directed Hyalase to treat over filled areas or areas that require even the most minute correction to achieve overall facial symmetry and proportion. Always consult your doctor before commencing such a treatment.
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March 2021